Relocation Partner

Terms and Conditions

Rental conditions of Relocation Partner
Relocation Partner is a rental and rental specialist that mediates in real estate between landlords and home seekers / (prospective) tenants and is located at the Bloemendaalsestraatweg 21 2082GB Santpoort South. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce The Hague, location The Hague, under number 87854872.
Conditions search

1. Applicability
These Rental Conditions apply to every contract for services and/or mediation, as well as the additional and/or subsequent agreement(s) and arrangements between Relocation Partner and the home seeker arising therefrom.

2. Definitions
Relocation Partner: Relocation Partner and its operating company(ies)
The websites of Relocation Partner is:
Relocation Partner's email address is:
Home seeker: the (legal) person who has placed a search query with Relocation Partner as a home seeker and engages Relocation Partner in the search for a suitable rental property.

2. Search
2.1. The search via the internet and/or at the offices of Relocation Partner is valid for a period of twelve months. The search will only become active if Relocation Partner has received all requested information fully and truthfully filled in with an agreement to the general terms and conditions. The home seeker gives Relocation Partner permission to mediate for him or her. The search itself is free.
2.2. Relocation Partner has the right to terminate the search with immediate effect if the home seeker does not fully comply with the correct input of data to Relocation Partner.
2.3. Relocation Partner reserves the right to change and/or adjust the rental conditions and rates. If the rates are increased, these increased rates only apply to new home seekers.
2.4. At the request of the home seeker, the written rental conditions of Relocation Partner will be sent. These rental conditions can also be downloaded from the website:
2.5. Placing a search request at Relocation Partner is no guarantee of finding a (suitable) accommodation.

3. Mediation Assignment
3.1. The home seeker instructs Relocation Partner to mediate in the search for accommodation that largely or fully meets the specified selection preferences. The selected information is only general in nature and therefore does not contain any specific advice regarding the current search.
3.2. If the home seeker is interested (whether or not an assignment has been placed with Relocation Partner) for a specific home, he/she should preferably make this known by e-mail and possibly by telephone to an employee of Relocation Partner. Relocation Partner arranges the appointments for non-binding viewings of the homes you have selected. During viewings, the home seeker is accompanied by an employee of Relocation Partner, who provides the tour.
3.3. After a home seeker has found suitable accommodation, the home seeker owes a one-off fee for the rental agency. This fee is equal to the monthly rental price (including advance payment for delivery and services, energy, Wi-Fi/TV, local taxes, possibly parking fee) as stated in the rental agreement at the start of the rental. The fees referred to in this article 3.3 are increased by VAT (currently 21%) and must be paid before check-in takes place and the keys of the rented property are handed over.

4. Term, Termination and Cancellation
4.1. The search is valid for a period of one year and ends automatically.
4.2. If the house seeker does not wish to receive (e-) mailings and/or other communications from Relocation Partner, the house seeker Relocation Partner can notify this via
4.3 If the house seeker wishes to end the search and the activities of Relocation Partner have already been started, the house seeker Relocation Partner owes a fee of € 250.00. The fees referred to in this article 4.3 are increased with VAT (currently 21%)

5. Additional Terms
5.1. The Rental Conditions of Relocation Partner are also available in the English language. In the event of discrepancies between the Dutch text and the translation, as well as any disputes, the Dutch text will prevail between the parties.

6. Applicable law/competent court
6.1. The General Terms and Conditions and Dutch law apply to all relationships between Relocation Partner and home seekers arising in the context of the search.
6.2. All disputes that may arise from the relationships described in clause 6.1 will be settled by the competent court in Amsterdam. –

Rental conditions of Relocation Partner

Relocation Partner is a rental and rental specialist that mediates in real estate between landlords and home seekers / (prospective) tenants and is located at Bloemendaalsestraatweg 21, 2082GB Amsterdam. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce The Hague, location The Hague, under number 87854872.

1. Applicability
These Rental Terms and Conditions apply to every contract for services and/or mediation, as well as the additional and/or subsequent agreement(s) and arrangements between Relocation Partner and the Landlord arising therefrom.

2. Definitions
Relocation Partner: the (legal) person who, pursuant to the order confirmation, accepts the order for services or mediation from the client.
The lessor or owner of the home: the (legal) person who has given Relocation Partner the assignment to find a suitable tenant for the living space, office space and/or business space to be let.

3. Explanation statements
Relocation Partner: Relocation Partner and its operating company(ies).
The websites of Relocation Partner are:
The general e-mail address of Relocation Partner is:
Relations: the prospective tenants who have placed a search and the owners of the properties offered.

4. Content of the assignment for mediation
4.1 Without prejudice to what is described in articles 6 to 11 of these rental conditions, articles 4 and 5 apply to the rental brokerage agreement between Relocation Partner and the lessor.
4.2 An agreement for brokerage is understood to mean an assignment to provide services with regard to the mediation by Relocation Partner Amsterdam in the formation of an agreement between the landlord and tenant, as referred to in Article 7:425 of the Dutch Civil Code, whereby at least the specifications given by the lessor are met.
4.3 The lessor and Relocation Partner do not intend that Relocation Partner be authorized by the lessor, as stated in Article 3:60 of the Dutch Civil Code, to perform legal acts in its name or that Relocation Partner can perform legal acts on behalf of the lessor by virtue of a mandate. perform, as stated in Article 7:414 of the Dutch Civil Code.

5. Mediation fee
5.1 The lessor is generally due the full compensation (with exceptions) for the work if, during the term of the assignment, there is a (rental or purchase) agreement between the lessor, who has had his object included on the website of Relocation Partner. agreement is reached.
5.2 The lessor owes the full compensation for the work if the agreement with a third party is concluded after the contract for services between Relocation Partner and the lessor has been terminated (by cancellation or otherwise), but the agreement with a third party is concluded as a result of the services provided by Relocation Partner.
5.3 If a purchase option is included in the rental agreement or has been agreed, the lessor (also after renewal of the rental agreement) owes a one-off fee for the sales brokerage if this purchase option is implemented. The fee is 1.25 percent of the agreed or to be calculated purchase price plus VAT (currently 21%) and is payable at the time of notarial transport.
5.4 When selling the house offered for rent, the brokerage fee (brokerage) is 1.50 percent of the purchase price plus VAT. When selling the shop and/or other business space offered for rent, the brokerage fee is 1.85 percent of the purchase price plus 21% VAT.

6. Assignment General
6.1 The lessor will provide Relocation Partner with all known information and documents that are required in the context of the performance of the assignment and the lessor guarantees the correctness thereof.
6.2 During the assignment, Relocation Partner will enter into interim consultations with the lessor regarding the state of affairs and, if necessary, provide further advice.
6.3 Every assignment is deemed to have been given to Relocation Partner, even if the lessor has expressly expressed the wish that one of Relocation Partner's employees will carry out the assignment.
6.4 The lessor refrains from all activities (including direct negotiations with third parties) that could interfere with the assignment to Relocation Partner and/or that could impede the performance of the assignment by Relocation Partner.

7. Amount of compensation and payment
7.1 The compensation(s) for the work stated in the confirmation of the assignment (the wages as referred to in article 7:405 or article 7:426 of the Dutch Civil Code) include the reimbursement of the expenses incurred and to be incurred by Relocation Partner in connection with the assignment, unless otherwise specified in the order confirmation. If agreed otherwise, this fee(s) is equal to the monthly rental price (including advance payment for delivery and services, energy, Wi-Fi/TV, local taxes, possibly parking space) as stated in the rental agreement at the start of the rental. The fee(s) referred to in this article are increased by VAT (currently 21%).
7.2 The landlord has authorized Relocation Partner to set off its rental costs (advertisements, printed matter, mailings, etc.), which have been made in consultation, with the first rental installment received and the deposit as indicated in the service contract. If the first rental period and/or the deposit have been paid/transferred directly to the landlord, the payment of the costs of rental mediation must be made within 7 working days after receipt of the rental mediation invoice.
7.3 The landlord agrees that Relocation Partner states its sales brokerage costs (brokerage) in article 5.4 of these Rental Conditions as well as the other sales costs (advertisements, printed matter, cadastral investigation, soil and foundation investigation, etc.) to the transport notary. The lessor hereby authorizes the transport notary to set off the total brokerage costs against the sales proceeds and to pay them to Relocation Partner.
7.4 In the event of non-payment, the lessor is immediately in default without further notice of default and will owe statutory interest for each day that payment is not made. In addition, the landlord will owe extrajudicial collection costs (to cover lawyer and/or bailiff costs, court fees, etc.) of 20% of the mediation fee with a minimum of € 500 (in words: five hundred euros).

8. Maturity
8.1 The assignment agreement has been entered into for an indefinite period of time with effect from the date on which the assignment (verbally, in writing, e-mail) was given to Relocation Partner.
8.2 The agreement ends (among other things) by cancellation or because the work to be performed in the context of the assignment has been completed.
8.3 The lessor is authorized to temporarily suspend this agreement or to terminate it in writing.
8.4 Relocation Partner is authorized to terminate the agreement in writing with immediate effect if:
a) the lessor acts in violation of any provision of these Rental Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions or with other agreements of any nature whatsoever concluded between Relocation Partner and the lessor, without prejudice to Relocation Partner's right to full compensation or compliance;
b) in the event of bankruptcy, (provisional) suspension of payment, a private agreement with creditors or the declaration of application of the debt rescheduling scheme for natural persons;
c) if, in the opinion of Relocation Partner, there has been a serious disruption of the relationship between Relocation Partner and the Client;
d) if the landlord receives negative commercial publicity;
e) if it appears that the landlord has provided Relocation Partner with incorrect information when entering into the agreement and which are of such a nature that, if Relocation Partner had been aware of this information, the agreement would not have been entered into;
f) if there are other (previously unknown) circumstances that, in the opinion of Relocation Partner, oppose continuation of the agreement.
8.5 Without prejudice to the lessor's obligation to pay the expenses incurred by Relocation Partner, the parties cannot derive any right to compensation from termination of the agreement, unless it is canceled on the grounds of non-performance.

9. Liability
9.1 Relocation Partner has limited liability for the consequences of professional errors. In the unlikely event that an event - including an omission - occurs during the execution of the assignment, which leads to liability, the liability of Relocation Partner is limited to the amount of its agreed or received fee (excl. VAT) with a maximum of €5,000.–.
9.2 The landlord indemnifies Relocation Partner against all claims from third parties, including the reasonable costs of legal assistance, which are in any way related to the work performed by Relocation Partner for and on behalf of the landlord, unless these claims are the result of gross negligence. negligence or intent of Relocation Partner.
9.3 Relocation Partner is never liable for disputes between the tenant and the landlord about the amount of the rent, nor for any consequences of a decision by the Rental Committee and/or the competent court regarding the (amount of the) rent and/or service costs.

10. Applicable law/competent court
10.1 Dutch law applies to the assignment agreement and all agreements arising from it.
10.2 All disputes that may arise as a result of the contract for services or of further agreements that may result therefrom will be settled by the competent court in Amsterdam.

11. Miscellaneous
11.1 Changes in or deviations from these Rental Conditions, agreement(s) concluded between the parties and/or additional or deviating stipulations are only effective if the parties have recorded and signed them in writing.
11.2 If a part of these Rental Conditions is declared void and/or non-binding, this does not mean that the Rental Conditions or the contract for services is/are void or non-binding in its entirety. Instead of the void or non-binding provision, the parties will make an arrangement that comes as close as possible to the intention of the parties with the economic result they are aiming for in a legally effective manner.
11.3 Insofar as not stipulated otherwise in these Rental Conditions and/or the contract for services, the rights and obligations of the lessor described in these Rental Conditions and/or the contract for services are not divisible (each co-owner is jointly and severally liable) and/or transferable. , unless with written permission from Relocation Partner.
11.4 When renting out the owner-occupied home, the tax deduction of the mortgage interest and the addition of the fixed rental value will lapse.
11.5 If any provision in the agreement concluded between Relocation Partner and the lessor is in conflict with any provision of these Rental Conditions, the provision of the agreement will prevail.

General Terms and Conditions Relocation Partner

Relocation Partner is a rental specialist that mediates in real estate between landlords and tenants and is located at Bloemendaalsestraatweg 21, 2082GB Santpoort South. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce The Hague, location The Hague, under number 87854872.
The following conditions and all applicable legal rules apply to access to and use of the websites and the services offered thereon.

1. Definitions
In these General Terms and Conditions, the following definitions are used, both in singular and plural.
1.1 General Terms and Conditions: these General Terms and Conditions can be downloaded by the landlord and tenant and/or requested in writing;
1.2 Website: the services provided by, which includes being able to post descriptions and photos of the available rental accommodation, office space and/or business space and obtaining access to, the database with, this offered accommodation, office space and/or business space;
1.3 Client or user: the natural or legal person who has concluded an agreement with Relocation Partner for the search/rental/rental/sale of living space, office space and/or business space.
1.4 is the website of Relocation Partner;
1.5 is the general e-mail address of Relocation Partner;
1.6 Agreement: the agreement between User and Relocation Partner on the basis of which

2. General Relocation Partner makes services available to the User via the website;
2.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Agreements, as well as to all other use of the services of
2.2 Relocation Partner is entitled to adjust these General Terms and Conditions.
2.3 Changes to the General Terms and Conditions are applicable from the date of change for new users and possibly for existing users, if these changes are to their advantage.
2.4 Relocation Partner does not accept any General Terms and Conditions of a User.
2.5 If these General Terms and Conditions have been applicable to a previous legal relationship between Relocation Partner and User, User is deemed to have agreed in advance with the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions to Agreements concluded and to be concluded afterwards.
2.6 If and insofar as any provision of the General Terms and Conditions is declared null and void and/or is in conflict with (new) legislation, the other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions will remain in full force. Relocation Partner will then include a new provision to replace the invalid/contradictory provision, whereby the purport of the invalid/contradictory provision will be taken into account as much as possible.
2.7 If there are conflicting provisions in an Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Agreement will prevail.
2.8 Relocation Partner is entitled to transfer its rights and any obligations under the Agreements to a third party. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User and/or Client agrees to this.

3. Agreement
3.1 Agreement(s) will only be concluded when Relocation Partner has accepted the User's registration by means of a written or electronic confirmation. Relocation Partner is entitled to refuse a registration, without having to state its reasons for refusal.

4. Services
4.1 On the website, Relocation Partner attempts to bring home seekers/ (prospective) tenants and landlords of living space/ shops and/or other business premises together. Relocation Partner only has an advisory role and cannot be held responsible for the conclusion of an agreement between prospective tenants and landlords and/or for the content of these agreements.
4.2 Relocation Partner has compiled the content of its website and placed advertisements with the greatest care and are only intended to give a general impression and are not binding. Part of the information, regarding relevant legal matters, on, and/or advertisements has been provided by the landlord/homeowner. This lessor is responsible for the correctness and completeness of this information.
4.3 Relocation Partner offers via and the information it has placed on it itself, insofar as Dutch law permits, in the existing/seen state of maintenance, without any guarantee, commitment or indemnification of any kind. No warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of proprietary rights or rights of third parties are made.
In particular, Relocation Partner does not guarantee that:
User is authorized to conclude agreements with regard to the accommodation or otherwise;
User will actually conclude an agreement with regard to the accommodation.
The accommodation offered is of good quality and safe and meets the requirements of the tenant and all statutory requirements;
The information on is correct, complete, suitable, current and not unlawful, including the information provided by the landlords, including the advertisements;
The Relocation Partner website will work without interruption, will be free of viruses and other errors and/or defects, and that defects can be remedied; and, · third parties do not (or will not) use its systems unlawfully.

5. Maintenance
5.1 Relocation Partner is entitled to (temporarily) put out of use or limit it in the event that this is necessary, for example, for the maintenance or adjustment of, without this giving rise to any right of the tenant or landlord to compensation towards Relocation Partner.

6. Use of the website and provision of information
6.1 The user guarantees that all data, including but not limited to, name, address data, e-mail address data and bank account number, that must be provided to Relocation Partner for the execution of the agreement are complete, correct and up-to-date.

7.1 In order to be able to offer the requested mediation/services, Relocation Partner must collect data from persons/objects. Relocation Partner ensures that the collection of personal data complies with the Personal Data Protection Act.

8. Spam
8.1 The use of incorrectly obtained personal data of Users who have placed a search query at, including but not limited to e-mail addresses of Users, is never permitted.
8.2 It is prohibited to:
any form of unsolicited communication with Users;
Collect email addresses from Users for any reason
8.3 If a User acts (partially) contrary to the provisions of this article, he will forfeit, without further warning or notice of default and without judicial intervention being required, an immediately due and payable fine of € 2,500 (two thousand five hundred euros) per event. Each use of a User's data counts as one event. Relocation Partner is entitled to take further legal action against the User and to claim compensation.

9. Proprietary Rights
9.1 The property rights with regard to, including the photos, images, formats, software, database rights and the trademark rights (including domain names) are the property of Relocation Partner with the exception of the material supplied by the Client in connection with placing supply information on the website and/or advertisements or in other advertisements.
9.2 The User of the website is not permitted to place any content thereof, without the prior written permission of Relocation Partner, in any way whatsoever, on another (own) website, in another document and/or publication. to process.

10. Exclusion
10.1 Relocation Partner reserves the right to exclude the User from any further use of and to dissolve the Agreement with the User if:
The User acts in any way contrary to these General Terms and Conditions;
Infringes the rights of third parties;
Acts contrary to the legislation and regulations applicable in the Netherlands;

11. Force majeure
11.1 Relocation Partner is not obliged to fulfill any obligation if it is prevented from doing so as a result of force majeure. Force majeure also includes a non-attributable shortcoming of suppliers and/or third parties used by Relocation Partner.

12. Prices and Rates
12.1 All prices and rates stated by Relocation Partner are in euros and are exclusive of turnover tax (21% VAT), unless expressly stated otherwise in writing.
12.2 The rental rates consist of one-off amounts due for the key transfer.
12.3 In the event of premature termination of any nature whatsoever, no restitution of the brokerage commission charged can take place, nor is settlement of this possible with a subsequent agreement.
12.4 When buying or selling the house offered for rent, the brokerage fee (brokerage fee) amounts to 1.50 percent of the purchase price plus 21% VAT and is due at the time of notarial transport.
12.5 In case of purchase or sale of the shop and/or other business space offered for rent, the brokerage fee is 1.85 percent of the purchase price plus 21% VAT.
12.6 Relocation Partner is entitled to change its rates at all times.
12.7 Changes to the rates only apply to new orders and take effect immediately. If the rates are reduced, these reduced rates will immediately apply to all current affairs.

13. Payment
13.1 The fees owed to Relocation Partner must be paid by the tenant and/or landlord before the key transfer, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
13.2 The landlord agrees that Relocation Partner will deduct the agreed fees from the rent and deposit received. The credit of the landlord will be transferred by Relocation Partner to the specified bank account(s) within 72 hours after receipt of the funds. If the landlord receives the money (rent + deposit) directly from the tenant, the landlord is obliged to pay the amounts due to Relocation Partner within 7 (seven) working days.
13.3 If Relocation Partner manages the rented object, the User is obliged to authorize Relocation Partner, located at Bloemendaalsestraatweg 21, 2082GB Santpoort South, to debit the fees owed by the User from his Dutch bank or giro account by direct debit, unless agreed otherwise in writing.
13.4 If the direct debit is not successful, Relocation Partner will inform the User of this and a further term of payment will be set. If payment is not made within the new payment term, the User is automatically in default, without any notice of default or demand being required. From that moment on, without further notice by Relocation Partner, the User owes statutory interest to the lessor on the outstanding amount.
13.5 If the User, after notice of default, remains negligent in paying the amount due, increased by the statutory interest, Relocation Partner can hand over the claim for collection on behalf of the Client. In addition to the principal sum and the interest owed by law, the User is obliged to reimburse all judicial and extrajudicial costs incurred. If the collection is outsourced, the Client will owe Relocation Partner supervision costs. The amount of these costs is at least 20% of the principal sum, with a minimum amount of € 200 (two hundred euros).
13.6 All payments by the User to Relocation Partner will be deducted from the oldest outstanding rental installments and/or costs owed by the User, regardless of any other statement by the User.
13.7 Any appeal by the User to suspension, settlement(s) or deduction is not permitted.

14. Liability
14.1 The total liability of Relocation Partner due to an attributable shortcoming in the fulfillment of the agreement with the User is limited to compensation for direct damage up to a maximum of the compensation stipulated for the Agreement (excl. VAT) with a maximum of € 5,000.
14.2 Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean the costs that the User has reasonably had to incur to repair or remedy the shortcoming of Relocation Partner, so that the performance of Relocation Partner does comply with the agreement, as well as reasonable costs to prevent or limit such damage. and reasonable costs to determine the cause and extent thereof.
14.3 Any liability of Relocation Partner for indirect damage, including but not limited to consequential damage, loss of profit and loss of turnover, is excluded. More in particular, Relocation Partner is not liable for damage on the part of the User caused by third parties.
14.4 Relocation Partner is not legally liable for the circumvention of technical provisions by the User and/or third parties.

15. Consent/Rights/Indemnification
15.1 The lessor guarantees that the information provided by him, including the rental data, photos and other images, does not infringe the (intellectual) property rights of third parties or is otherwise unlawful. The landlord fully indemnifies Relocation Partner against all possible claims from third parties in any way arising from and/or related to the information provided by him on
15.2 The landlord has – insofar as applicable – received any necessary permission for renting out the (residential) space from or has given notice to:
a. the administrator of the Owners' Association;
b. the Municipal Service;
c. the mortgagee;
d. the insurers.
15.3 Relocation Partner is in any case never liable for disputes between the tenant and the landlord about the amount of the rent, nor for the possible consequences of a ruling by the Rent Assessment Board and/or the competent court regarding the (amount of the) rent and/or service costs.

16. Referrals
16.1 contains references (for example by means of a hyperlink, banner or button) to the websites of third parties, including but not limited to the website of Relocation Partner has no control over these websites. Relocation Partner is not responsible for the content of these websites.

17. Security
17.1 Relocation Partner makes every reasonable effort to secure its systems against loss and/or against any form of unlawful use. Relocation Partner will have appropriate technical and organizational measures implemented for this, taking into account, among other things, the current state of the art.

18. Duration and Termination
18.1 Each Agreement is entered into for a period of 1 (one) year, unless expressly agreed otherwise.
18.2 The User is at all times entitled to terminate the Agreement prematurely, for example by unsubscribing via email.
18.3 In the event that one of the parties becomes bankrupt, applies for suspension of payments, is placed under guardianship or ceases operations, the other party has the right to terminate the Agreement without observing a notice period, all this subject to all rights.

19. Disputes
19.1 These General Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law.
19.2 Any disputes will be submitted to the competent court in the District of Amsterdam.